Does any of this sound FAMILIAR to you?
How can I get rid of my bloating?
What can I do to get rid of my belly fat?
How can I sleep better?
What healthy snack foods can I eat when my energy dips at 3 pm?
Are there certain foods that I should eat to reduce inflammation?
I am close to being pre-diabetic. What can I do to prevent that from happening?
What do I need to do to live a long life?
What do I need to eat to feel great and live the life I want?
I'm here to tell you it DOESN’T have to be that way!
This could be you
“I have much less bloating and a general increase in energy.”
“I’m using the knowledge I’ve gained to advocate for myself in the food department.”
“I understand much better about the value of different foods.”
“I have a new sleep routine and am sleeping so much better!”
“I’m enjoying vegetables in a new way.”
“I’ve lost weight and know what works best to eliminate my sugar cravings!”
Let yourself COMMIT and feel healthy!
Transform your midriff donut to a mini-donut
Wake up feeling refreshed rather than hungover from a sleepless night.
Start to uncover possible causes for your bloating and eliminate them.
Discover some new, healthy foods that you enjoy and help to eliminate cravings.
Are you ready to begin your health journey? The price is $255.
Are you ready to reset your health in just 14 DAYS? This program will transform your life!
Here's what's included:
14-Day Reset Interactive Workbook:
Health Vision Statement
Food and Lifestyle Journal
7-Day Sample Meal Plan
Shopping List
Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen
Action Steps
Sample Schedule
22 Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
Digestive Teas
Healthy Snacks
Three Videos:
Introduction to the program
Lifestyle Changes
Nutrition Methodology
Two one-hour group coaching calls